I was in an abusive relationship. For six years, I was physically, mentally, and emotionally abused by someone who made me believe that I could never survive in the outside world without him. But that’s not the worst of it. My children – who were 2, 4, and 9...
Archive for month: February, 2019
feel free to call +44 (0) 7863 760 394 chris@energisedthroughpilates.co.za
You are not alone

You are not alone ! You are never alone ! It is hard to make the first step into the right direction . I have been there! I done both sides of the weight journey . From needing to loose 20 kilos to gone 20 kilos down too much...
Sink or Swim
Have you ever wondered what you would do if you were standing on a beach and a tsunami was hurtling your way? Would you try to run? I’d probably be too shit scared to move and would just wait for the impact. My life would flash before my eyes....
Moving forward !

I’m constantly amazed at what a difference a day, a week, a month makes. In my last blog, I mentioned that we were looking for a new place to rent. At the same time, I’ve been trying to trust the universe to provide what I need, at exactly the...
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