*What do you tell yourself everyday?* While out on a run this week, I came up with a new mantra for myself. I repeated it over and over again… Take the step, Count each rep. You don’t need a map, You just need your head. Clear the fear, The...
Archive for month: October, 2018
feel free to call +44 (0) 7863 760 394 chris@energisedthroughpilates.co.za

Lots of new and exciting changes ! I added a few group classes and changed some around ! Group class fees are R 640.00/month for once a week. Classes average between 3-7 people Join the fun and create a brand new body while laughing and exercising !
Disconnect to Reconnect
I’m having a love-hate relationship with technology this week. I hate it because it’s put a wall between us. At the risk of sounding old fashioned, I miss the days when talking to someone meant having a face-to-face, meaningful conversation, not rushed Whatsapp messages, watered down with emojis, when...
It‘s lonely in the shadows
It’s lonely in the shadows Do you remember being told as a young girl not to be selfish? To stay humble and not to brag? Or as a boy, being told not to cry or show emotion? It’s easy to tell our children not to conform to stereotypes but...
Eat yourself thin 🤔🤭😳?
I’m reading a book about Pilates and posture, illness, and injury. The author, Jane Paterson, lists the advantages of good posture and the disadvantages of bad posture. Advantages: * Ensures progressive but controlled development of all postural muscles * Helps maintain overall body fitness so that physical activity is...
The (un)glamorous life of a pilates entrepreneur
*The (un)glamorous life of an entrepreneur* It’s Sunday (although you’ll only read this on Tuesday). I’m sitting by the pool, sipping on my third G&T. The sun is warming my skin. The sound of the birds chirping distracts me from my open book on the table. Aaah…. The life...
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