I read a quote defining an “elite coach”. To paraphrase, it defined an elite coach as someone who collaborates with his/her clients and uses motivational techniques to achieve specific goals. They bring about change by understanding the client’s perspective, empathising with them and encourage them to stop resisting change....
Author Archive for: Christiane Ebert
feel free to call +44 (0) 7863 760 394 chris@energisedthroughpilates.co.za
The Art of making Art
I’ve been listening to Seth Godin’s ‘The Linchpin’ on repeat this past week. In it, he talks about how easy it is to succumb to “the lizard brain”, which is the lazy part of us that just goes through the motions of everyday life and is too scared to...
‘ CoreEssentials ‘ Pilates and fitness APP
It’s easy to sign up for a free, run-of-the-mill training app on Facebook. I mean, who wouldn’t when it promises amazing results with little effort or dieting? All you need to do is fill in your weight and measurements and, like magic, you have an instant “personalised” plan, tailored...
Keep it Real !
Keep it real Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. We go out of our way to sabotage ourselves, just to prove our inner critic right that we can’t achieve anything or become better versions of ourselves. If we’re trying to lose weight, we become obsessed with the number...
Under maintenance
Under maintenance All the pictures were off the walls, exposing the craters where I had tried – unsuccessfully – to hammer nails in. Everything that was once scattered throughout my studio was now bundled high in one corner. It didn’t all fit there so some of it got shoved...
Change is as good as a holiday
Change is as good as a holiday I’m not quite sure how I survived this last week. I put it out into the universe that I was ready for change and I got a lot more than I bargained for! They say that change is as good as a...
FEAR: Are you choosing it or does it choose you?

You all know that I’m a master procrastinator. Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow, right? I’ll tell you why: fear. It’s another one of those emotions that I could write a book about. When I fear something, I feel paralysed. I freeze on the spot...
Support with Pilates or vice versa!
Life didn’t hand me lemons last week. It pelted me with ghost chillies. The kind that make your eyes water, take your breath away and make your heart pound a thousand times a minute. My granddaughter was admitted to hospital with encephalitis, which triggered her epileptic seizures. I was...
When life hands you lemons 🍋…
When life hands you lemons Isn’t it strange how mindsets and motivations can change so drastically from one week to the next? Just last week I was talking about my determination to get rid of my winter rolls. But yesterday, everything was conspiring against me and the universe seemed...
My Spring – ready plan and Pilates
We’ve got six weeks left of winter. Six weeks to ensure those winter rolls don’t stick around as spring rolls! Well I do, at least. I’ve fallen into the winter trap of carbs and comfort food and it’s time to get my ass into gear. We all have different...
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