Some of you might not know this but I am an experienced seamstress. These days it’s more of a creative outlet than anything else but I love sewing and creating a beautiful garment out of a piece of fabric. In dress making, we judge the quality of a fabric...
Author Archive for: Christiane Ebert
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Attitude determines Altitude
What you do in private determines what you look like in public. I do a lot of things behind closed doors. I tell myself that, if no one can see me doing it, then it doesn’t count. Right? That slab of chocolate. The two glasses of wine. The pizza....
Before you judge ….
*Before you judge* I was brought up in a household where tattoos were frowned upon. My mother still hates them and almost had a heart attack when she found out that I have a few. My son is one of the best tattoo artists I know and the heavily...
Perfectionism and pilates
Excellence vs perfectionism I had Sophie’s high school orientation evening on Monday. Anyway, one of the teachers spoke about the difference between excellence and perfection, and I’ve been thinking about that talk ever since. We can all learn something from it. If you’ve read my blogs
How are you communicating with yourself?
*What do you tell yourself everyday?* While out on a run this week, I came up with a new mantra for myself. I repeated it over and over again… Take the step, Count each rep. You don’t need a map, You just need your head. Clear the fear, The...

Lots of new and exciting changes ! I added a few group classes and changed some around ! Group class fees are R 640.00/month for once a week. Classes average between 3-7 people Join the fun and create a brand new body while laughing and exercising !
Disconnect to Reconnect
I’m having a love-hate relationship with technology this week. I hate it because it’s put a wall between us. At the risk of sounding old fashioned, I miss the days when talking to someone meant having a face-to-face, meaningful conversation, not rushed Whatsapp messages, watered down with emojis, when...
It‘s lonely in the shadows
It’s lonely in the shadows Do you remember being told as a young girl not to be selfish? To stay humble and not to brag? Or as a boy, being told not to cry or show emotion? It’s easy to tell our children not to conform to stereotypes but...
Eat yourself thin 🤔🤭😳?
I’m reading a book about Pilates and posture, illness, and injury. The author, Jane Paterson, lists the advantages of good posture and the disadvantages of bad posture. Advantages: * Ensures progressive but controlled development of all postural muscles * Helps maintain overall body fitness so that physical activity is...
The (un)glamorous life of a pilates entrepreneur
*The (un)glamorous life of an entrepreneur* It’s Sunday (although you’ll only read this on Tuesday). I’m sitting by the pool, sipping on my third G&T. The sun is warming my skin. The sound of the birds chirping distracts me from my open book on the table. Aaah…. The life...
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