Have you ever wondered what you would do if you were standing on a beach and a tsunami was hurtling your way? Would you try to run? I’d probably be too shit scared to move and would just wait for the impact. My life would flash before my eyes....
Archive for category: News
feel free to call +44 (0) 7863 760 394 chris@energisedthroughpilates.co.za
Moving forward !

I’m constantly amazed at what a difference a day, a week, a month makes. In my last blog, I mentioned that we were looking for a new place to rent. At the same time, I’ve been trying to trust the universe to provide what I need, at exactly the...
Finish what you started !

I have a Sunday routine. I wake up early and go for a cycle at about 5am. I never rush it. Sometimes I cycle for one hour; sometimes three. I get home, smash food in my face, maybe take a nap, and then journal, meditate, and plan the week...
You have a vision and Than ?
What others think of you is non of your business
I’ve battled with this one for a long time. I’ve always thought that what others think of me ISmy business because it can affect my business. If I pissed someone off or if they didn’t enjoy one of my classes, there’s a good chance they’d tell their friends and...
Stop hiding-the Fear will find you !
If I’m afraid of something, I’ll put it off for as long as possible. Fear of failure – and fear of success – is the perfect excuse for me to procrastinate. There are much better things to do than work on my website, I’ll tell myself. Look at that...
Attitude determines Altitude
What you do in private determines what you look like in public. I do a lot of things behind closed doors. I tell myself that, if no one can see me doing it, then it doesn’t count. Right? That slab of chocolate. The two glasses of wine. The pizza....
Before you judge ….
*Before you judge* I was brought up in a household where tattoos were frowned upon. My mother still hates them and almost had a heart attack when she found out that I have a few. My son is one of the best tattoo artists I know and the heavily...
Perfectionism and pilates
Excellence vs perfectionism I had Sophie’s high school orientation evening on Monday. Anyway, one of the teachers spoke about the difference between excellence and perfection, and I’ve been thinking about that talk ever since. We can all learn something from it. If you’ve read my blogs
Disconnect to Reconnect
I’m having a love-hate relationship with technology this week. I hate it because it’s put a wall between us. At the risk of sounding old fashioned, I miss the days when talking to someone meant having a face-to-face, meaningful conversation, not rushed Whatsapp messages, watered down with emojis, when...
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