It is never too late to start ….
Right ? How many times did you hear that ?
I actually just said it in my FB live introducing my ‘7 day challenge ‘, you can sign up here
But this is easier said than done.
Obviously this phrase is addressing people in an age group who have already a ton of responsibilities and thoughts on there mind other than exercising every day for 3 hrs .
Let’s get real !
It takes time to exercise,it takes time to plan exercising and eating properly, Life happens and your screaming baby, vomiting Toddler, business meeting, crisis at work, lifting children, being super Mum or Dad and climbing up the career ladder and making your business a huge success takes often precedence over Self care !
Because that’s what exercising smartly , eating well and recovering smartly is …. SELF CARE !
You can not recharge ‘their ‘ batteries if you don’t recharge yours !
So how do we go about it ?
Firstly you do not need to spend 3 hrs at the gym or running every day 60 km . Let’s remember we talking about meaningful exercise with a purpose but not athletic training . That’s another topic .
Let’s start with 15- 20 min strength / cardio training every day ! Body weight exercises work well here and can be done anywhere. Housework, walking, carrying toddlers, using stairs etc are all part of exercising.
I have even an app you can subscribe to for as little as $20, amongst other possibilities!
Let’s start at the beginning! You need to want to do it ! Your WHY has to be so big that your WHAT is following!
Your WHY had to make the WHAT a non negotiable.
Set a goal !
Book your exercise away like you would book away a business meeting .
Secondly you need confidence! Whaaat ? Why ? I hear you screaming ?
It takes confidence to start again , to show up to yourself and others . It takes confidence to build a new body and with that a new mind . Because you have to show up every single day to your yet ‘not so perfect being’ and keep on shisseling away on this raw sculpture of yours until you look in the mirror one day and smile and broaden your smile even more ( can you feel that ???) and say to yourself ‘ I love you !’
That’s when we build confidence, self esteem, self love and all the will to never give up again ! Never to give up again in anything !
This is my job as a Health & Wellness coach to get you there.
It is my job to address the problem , find the solutions with you , keep you accountable, ask the tough questions, help you to dig deep and find that beautiful smile of yours !
Together we can teach you the nonnegotiable commitment to yourself , together we reach your dream .
Your body is the key to your dreams !
Find that enthusiasm for self love and Life and I promise you …. You will never give up again!
You will have worked for you and you alone !
Let’s talk ! Book your free discovery call here !
Maybe you don’t need my help but know others who do, please share !
Should you not find a suitable time slot email me we always make a plan !
Lots of Love Christiane