Oh, I am looking forward to Easter weekend. Peace and quiet. Time to read, watch tv, read books, and figure some new skills out for my business and for me. Right. Fabulous. It’s a bit more than that. Do you know the feeling of being an introvert and at...
Archive for category: General
feel free to call +44 (0) 7863 760 394 chris@energisedthroughpilates.co.za
No Fear of missing out
How was your weekend? Did you get up to something nice? Or did you choose to keep on working as there is nothing else to do? Do you know what I find is the incredible thing about the lockdown? We are all facing the same excitement, boredom, and time...
Advantages of the Lockdown
It’s Friday and we had 7 days of lockdown here in South Africa. We feeling the effects and some of us, including me, at times have humour failure. That’s ok, but don’t let it last too long, we need positive attitudes to recharge our batteries so that we can...
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday! Most of us had to get our head around this “lockdown’. I had to get my head around to teach with social distancing. I offered teaching via zoom for years already, but now it is a necessity. My Zoom calls with all of you have become...
True colors reveal themselves in crisis
True colours reveal themselves in crisis I got a lot of negative comments in the last couple of days, criticism for not being perfect in my presentation on various teaching platforms and even being too german ( whatever that means ) and being too positive. After a day of...
You are only as strong as your recovery !
Some of you might not know this but I am an experienced seamstress. These days it’s more of a creative outlet than anything else but I love sewing and creating a beautiful garment out of a piece of fabric. In dress making, we judge the quality of a fabric...
How are you communicating with yourself?
*What do you tell yourself everyday?* While out on a run this week, I came up with a new mantra for myself. I repeated it over and over again… Take the step, Count each rep. You don’t need a map, You just need your head. Clear the fear, The...

Lots of new and exciting changes ! I added a few group classes and changed some around ! Group class fees are R 640.00/month for once a week. Classes average between 3-7 people Join the fun and create a brand new body while laughing and exercising !
Can you imagine ….
Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had complete confidence? If you grabbed every opportunity without hesitation or second guessing yourself? I often think about how different my life would be – and that of my 4 children – if I had just taken every...
Don’t let anyone ‘shit ‘ on your dreams !

How many times have you dreamed about winning the lottery? How many hours have you spent fantasising about how you’d spend the money and how you’d help those closest to you? You dream even though the odds are stacked against you. Even though the chances of you actually winning...
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