What massive Action are you taking today ?
feel free to call +44 (0) 7863 760 394 chris@energisedthroughpilates.co.za
Who is That person in the Mirror?
Christiane Ebert, , News, 0
I wrote part of this blog quite a while ago and came across it today. I felt that I...
Are you setting yourself up for failure?
Christiane Ebert, , News, 0
I had 4 days of enough food and Easter chocolates to last me a while . Do I feel...
Losing the Plot….
Christiane Ebert, , News, 0
Losing the plot… I’ve mastered all the forms, one by one. Just getting started helped. Then, scanning in ID’s,...
Are you exercising for the wrong reasons ?
Christiane Ebert, , News, 0
Before 8am on Monday morning, I had heard similar stories from three clients. They all said their weekend was...
Happy Easter
Christiane Ebert, , News, 0
I have never been in this situation and the whole world has never been in this situation. The whole...
I let the lid come off….
Christiane Ebert, , News, 1
I let the lid come off… No matter how good we are at trying to keep it all together,...
Why would you sign up with a Life Coach?
Christiane Ebert, , News, 0
Working with a coach has been literally a life-transforming experience. I grew up in the true sense of...
No more winging it !!!
Christiane Ebert, , News, 0
This morning I woke up with this message in my head : ”No more wingung it Christiane. It will...
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