Oh my word, I haven’t written in ages… This is the story and if you have the time read it until the end as it is important for all of us! I think my last blog was in October or November. Very much the opposite of what I...
Author Archive for: Christiane Ebert
feel free to call +44 (0) 7863 760 394 chris@energisedthroughpilates.co.za
Why would you sign up with a Life Coach?
Working with a coach has been literally a life-transforming experience. I grew up in the true sense of the word. I learned to believe in myself and have the confidence to do so. The magnitude of transformation was mind-boggling. Book a free consultation with me. It’s so easy!...
Creativity to live your dream.

I can already hear you saying, ‘What has creativity to do with my dreams?’ Creativity is not only for artists, in all shapes in sizes, you don’t need to be able to draw, to be a landscape designer or a fashionista, you need creativity to get through your life,...
Is Fear paralyzing you?

Fear of the next week? Does the Monday Fear grab you on Sunday? Do you feel your anxiety set in on Sunday night, feeling totally overwhelmed by the thought of having to conquer another stressful week? I get you, I totally get you! Fear of the next week? Does the Monday...
What is your non-negotiable Cause?

Oh, my word! I love technical stuff and generally regard myself not too stupid, but boy this has been a tough learning curve. Setting up email sequences and actually getting them to work. Some of you received nothing, while others got it multiple times, and others received a jpg...
Oh my word I hate the word Diet!
Let’s just have another slice of cake. What? You don’t eat cake. Right! The biscuits you ate and hid the evidence? The smarties you bought for your kids and hid the evidence before they could see it? The cupcakes you ate at the tea get-together with friends, while you stated...
OMW!! The gremlins hit the Link! All fixed and waiting for Action!

Wow… So many things have gone through my mind since my last blog, and I know, it has been a while. I had to do some self-work. I’ve had to do some internal growing. To forgive the ghosts in my cupboard and chuck them into the garbage. I had...
OMW!! The gremlins hit the Link! All fixed and waiting for Action!

Wow… So many things have gone through my mind since my last blog, and I know, it has been a while. I had to do some self-work. I’ve had to do some internal growing. To forgive the ghosts in my cupboard and chuck them into the garbage. I had...

Stop! Stop right now! Why? do you say. It’s so comfortable here! I can’t win or lose. Please let me stay! Let me stay in my safe spot! My haven, my cave, my hideaway. Why are you pushing me out? Why can’t I stay here?...
Are you the one who got away?

Are you the one who got away? Are you the one who society couldn’t get to conform to its needs and standards? What are your needs? What are your true feelings? How are we, as a woman in the prime of their life, feeling? What does that even mean...
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