How was your weekend? Did you get up to something nice? Or did you choose to keep on working as there is nothing else to do? Do you know what I find is the incredible thing about the lockdown? We are all facing the same excitement, boredom, and time...
Author Archive for: Christiane Ebert
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Are we ever going back to the ‘before’?
Sooooooo it’s weekend. Not everybody is approaching the weekend with happiness and enthusiasm. For most of us, something happens during the week and we are busy. But now…’ I am supposed to stop work and relax?’ Right? There is only so much Netflix, Dstv or DVD’s one can watch...
Advantages of the Lockdown
It’s Friday and we had 7 days of lockdown here in South Africa. We feeling the effects and some of us, including me, at times have humour failure. That’s ok, but don’t let it last too long, we need positive attitudes to recharge our batteries so that we can...
Thank goodness we have emotions

Thank goodness we have emotions. Emotions are normal. We are scared, I am scared, we all are scarred. Why? Because our life as we know it changed. We are looking at an unprecedented situation for the whole world. And then we are not allowed to go out. That...
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday! Most of us had to get our head around this “lockdown’. I had to get my head around to teach with social distancing. I offered teaching via zoom for years already, but now it is a necessity. My Zoom calls with all of you have become...
True colors reveal themselves in crisis
True colours reveal themselves in crisis I got a lot of negative comments in the last couple of days, criticism for not being perfect in my presentation on various teaching platforms and even being too german ( whatever that means ) and being too positive. After a day of...
Together we Conquer!

Our minds are operating at 100 miles/hr at the moment. A challenge mentally, physically and logistically. But you know what? We will get through it! Why? Because we don’t have a choice! We have to rise to the challenge and make it work. I taught and coached yesterday several...
” The Experience “
I woke up with an epiphany this morning. I am going to change the perspective of this whole situation. I am calling it from now on ‘The Experience’, Why? because I am not gonna be caught up in this downward spiral of Fear and Emotions. The word “lock-down” is...
Are you letting Drama and Fear dictate your Life ?
We are all in the same boat! We are afraid. Full of uncertainty and fear of the unknown. A silent and invisible enemy. An enemy who is threatening to destroy our current existence and our financial stability as we know it. And I hear you! I am in the...
What massive Action are you taking today ?

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